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Echinacea no Effectively Prevent Flu?

Written By Bersemangat on Jumat, 01 Juli 2011 | 16.27

WHILE many traditional medicinal products such as herbal anti-cold, multi-vitamin or energy drinks contain herbal Echinacea on the market. Echinacea is widely recognized as one type of herb that is claimed meningatkan efficacious immune system, ward off the flu and treat the infection.

However, research on the efficacy and benefits of Echinacea herb growing and often controversial. Many studies that provide support, but not a few who doubt the benefits.

Recent research published in the Annals of Allergy Asthma for example, doubted the efficacy of herbal Coneflower extracted from plants, especially in preventing flu symptoms.

Experts from the University of California San Francisco did not claim to find strong evidence that echinacea can prevent nasal congestion (nasal congestion), sore throat or other flu symptoms.

The conclusion was made after they research the 58 participants who monitored their health for eight weeks. Participants in the study were randomly required to take one of three echinacea capsules or three capsules containing extracts of celery and a placebo. These drugs must be consumed regularly twice a day during the study period.

Once a week, researchers asked participants whether their back for a week to get a sore throat, runny nose, headache or other flu symptoms.

The monitoring revealed, taking echinacea group reported nine ° Today ill ° per person, whereas in the placebo group recorded a total of 14.

The difference amount is not fixed when the researchers performed statistical data analysis - which means that the difference in pain ° Today · Can be due to chance or possibility.

¨ Although echinacea is touted as an immune enhancer and has been sold at many pharmacies, the results of this research is one of the many dubious and do not support the use of echinacea in preventing flu, ¨ Dr.Joelle O'Neil said lead researcher told Reuters Health .

However, firm Neill, this research and many other research also indicates that the use of standardized echinacea products are widely marketed today do not harm health.

Neill also stressed that research is not intended to determine whether echinacea is useful relieve flu symptoms or accelerate the healing
16.27 | 0 komentar | Read More

Healthy with Herbal Medicine

Herbal Treatment is the use of all or some parts of the plant to treat various diseases and maintain health. The use of plants as medicine has been known for thousands of years ago. Though often categorized as a complement or alternative in western countries, herbal medicines remains the drug most widely used around the world.
State users of herbal medicines are the oldest recorded in history, circa 2800 BC, namely China. They then have used 366 types of plants as medicine. In addition to China, in some parts of the world also are familiar with medicinal plants, such as Greece and Western Europe. In fact, Hippocrates Greek physicist left a list of 400 medicinal plants examined.
Ancient times, the use of medicinal plants has always been associated with myth and magic. However, now the use of medicinal plants has been supported by modern science. Many tanamanan drugs that were once only the legacy handed down from generation to generation, now find how to use a new one, after detailed through chemical analysis and clinical trials. Ongoing research conducted with the aim of improving the benefits and safety of medicinal plants.
Medicinal plants can be used at home to treat ailments and maintain health in order to stay fit. If you want to use plants as medicine, there are several things to note:
1. Make sure that you have correctly identified the plants that you will use as a drug. If in doubt ask for directions.
2. Consult a good herbal plants to make sure you do not exceed the recommended dose
3. If you take the herbs directly in the wild, make sure the plants are widely grown in the area. Do not dig up the roots, in addition to preserving in some countries these actions violate the law.
4. Do not wait long to see a doctor if you get seriously ill.
Plants that are commonly used in home
The following crops commonly used in homes. Some of these plants can also be easily grown at home, some exist in nature and is available in stores and health food chemicals.
Stinging nettle These plants only grow in good soil and rich, because the plant is commonly found in soil berkompos. This plant contains many nutrients, including iron and vitamin C, therefore it is best eaten the anemia. In addition, this plant is also good for those who experience allergic disorders, including eczema in children. This plant can be drunk like tea, or cooked as a vegetable.
Marigold Marigold This plant can be used as an antiseptic, anti-inflammatory and cleansing. The leaves of this plant are widely used in many creams and ointment for menggurangi skin irritations and insect bites. Add boiling water Marigold to your bath water. To maintain the condition of lymph channels and fungal infections, the water decoction of this plant can be drunk directly.
Cleavers, Goosegrass Clivers or These plants usually appear in early spring. Take the young leaves and the bud to be eaten as a salad or drink as teh.Tanaman is often used as an energy booster in the spring, especially for people with swollen glands and lymph disorders. This plant is rich in vitamin C.
Dandelion Dandelion is used best when he was young. Can be used in salads or tea. Dandelion leaves are excellent for stimulating kidney function, its roots are good for the heart. The dried roots can be a substitute for coffee is delicious and healthy.
Mediterranean Herbs Rosemary, Thyme and Sage is a Mediterranean medicinal plant that contains many aromatic oils. The oil is used as an antiseptic, so both are used as a wound cleanser, mouthwash as hoarse throats and infections of the gums. This plant can be drunk like tea and cooked as a vegetable.
All three of these plants have the advantages of each. Rosemary as a stimulant, specifically for the head. Try it when you experience headaches, memory failure, and hair loss. Thyme, specifically to treat lung conditions, but it is also used as an antifungal. Sage, menggurangi sweat, so try when you experience excessive sweating when the menopause or to menggurangi milk when a mother has stopped breastfeeding.
Yarrow Yarrow has many uses, such as reducing the problem at the time of menstruation, disturbances in blood glands, and fever. If a drunk, a little cooking water Yarrow pahit.Untuk treating influenza and fever, Yarrow is usually mixed with Elderflower and Peppermint. One ounce of a mixture of these herbs should be boiled with 0.56 liters of water and drink while still hot. Elderflower many menggandung elder flowers and a good vitamin C to treat influenza, fever, sinusitis, asthma, and inflammation of the mucous membranes in the nose. This plant can be directly consumed without cooking or it can also be dried or frozen for use at another time.
Peppermint Peppermint menggandung volatile ingredients, including menthol which can cleanse and soothe the respiratory tract. Lemon flower These plants provide another fragrance in tea that can calm the mind and lowering blood pressure.
Chamomile Flowers This plant can be anti-inflammatory and sedative, menggurangi irritation of the stomach and help those who can not sleep.
Echinacea Echinacea is the latin name of Purple Cone flower. Both the roots, and green parts of plants can be used as a drug. One that is considered most useful by modern herbalists that echinacea has the ability to stimulate the immune system. So, this plant is used to treat infections, fever, and influenza. These plants also as an antiseptic for those who have a weak immune system. This plant is also expected to treat HIV infection and other infectious diseases. Echinea not suited for brewed, it tastes bitter. Better, taking it already in the form of tablets and capsules.
16.21 | 0 komentar | Read More

Experience Not Necessarily Safe

WHEN modern medicine is getting more expensive and not always lead to healing, herbal medicines are more and see people. Even so, should remain cautious. Although made from natural ingredients, herbs can also be dangerous if taken carelessly. Consider some cases of "accidents" caused by taking herbal medicines.

At a seminar on medicinal plants at the University of Indonesia early last year, Eko, the father of an 50-year-old, spoke about his experience with herbs.

After drinking a potion gods crown, she fainted. Investigate a calibaration, Eko who want to recover from these hypertensive disease Phaleria boil following five seeds. The water was boiled and then he drank a lot in the hope of illness recover quickly. She fainted because his blood pressure dropped dramatically.

Prapti Utami, a doctor who focuses on herbal medicine and joined the Indonesian Doctors Association of Traditional Eastern Health Development, said the experience of other experienced by patients before finally dealt Prapti.

Patients who were teenagers were also passed out because his mother went along to drink potions Dutch identity for slimming. "He's got a problem with the mag, while the Dutch identity had a gastric irritant effects," said Prapti.

He warned, though made from natural ingredients, herbs also contain active chemicals such as chemical drugs generally. Therefore, the use of herbs should consult with a doctor who studied the problem of herbs.

Prapti pointed, purple leaves as raw material herb contains flavonoids that function deadly bacteria. The leaves also contain natural steroids which are useful for anti-inflammatory and also contains alkaloids to soften the stool.

Need a diagnosis

Herbs can not be taken arbitrarily because the response of each individual can differ from one another. "Although a similar complaint, not necessarily a given herbal match between a patient and other patients," said Prapti.

Therefore, before giving herbal treatments, the doctor will first diagnose a patient's disease. Such as general medicine, the diagnosis is established through interviews with patients, physical examination, and if necessary to hold laboratory or radiology.

From this diagnosis will be known to the patient's medical history and risk of reactions to herbal interactions. "This diagnosis needs to be done because the metabolism of each individual is different," continued Prapti.

Finding a doctor who studied about herbs is no longer difficult. Now many doctors are combining medicine with herbal remedies. In addition to herbal clinics, in some hospitals, such as the Hospital or Doctor Soetomo Surabaya Yogyakarta Bethesda Hospital, has also opened the herbal treatment. In Purwakarta, West Java, there is also a special herbal hospital.

Herbs also have side effects such as chemical drugs. Side effects that arise can vary, such as diarrhea, shivering, blood pressure dropped dramatically, nausea, or dizziness. If you experience such side effects, said Prapti, patients should immediately consult a doctor.

According Prapti, usually a single herb is consumed along with other herbs to complement or reduce side effects. For example, the Dutch identity is commonly used for slimming has a side effect of irritating the stomach. Therefore, the consumption of Dutch identity must be concurrent with white ginger or turmeric to reduce stomach irritation.

Keep in mind, during treatment with both herbal and artificial drugs, patients should drink two liters of water per day. This is to cleanse the kidneys. "Actually, without taking any herbs we still have to drink a lot for kidney health," said Prapti.

It takes patience

Seeking healing with herbal medicine sometimes takes patience. Because, unlike chemical drugs, herbal treatment takes a relatively longer time. "That if there are herbal remedies can cespleng (direct heal), we should be suspicious," said Ida Marlinda, drug researcher at the Indonesian Consumers Foundation (YLKI).

According to Ida, herbal cespleng usually mixed with chemicals, drugs (BKO) specific. YLKI never received a complaint of a mother in Borneo. The mother wants her son's thin because it is difficult to eat so fond of eating and getting fat. The mother then bought bottled herbal appetite enhancer.

Within a month, his son really be fat and gained more than 3 kilograms. "It turns out that mixed herbal steroids," said Ida. Not long ago, the boy suffered moonface (rounded face).

There is also the case of an asthmatic child suddenly cured after drinking the herbal medicine practitioners of traditional medicine is packaged. After investigation, herbs that contain tetracycline (an antibiotic). So, should indeed not buy just any herbal medicines.
16.20 | 0 komentar | Read More

Installing Testimony Disease Patients Weight

NOW is a growing number of herbal products sold in the market. Just look at the shopping center. Various herbal products sold in various packages, ranging from pills to capsules, there is even a liquid ready to drink.

In addition to the shopping center, also lots of herbal products are sold through a network. Although not claim to cure diseases, herbal products are promoted by placing the testimony of severe diseased patients who recovered after taking herbs.

Ida Marlinda, drug researcher at the Indonesian Consumers Foundation, emphasized that consumers should carefully before buying a herbal product to be consumed. Herbal products that have been listed on the Food and Drug Supervisory Agency (POM) has a code of TR.

POM difficult to monitor the sales of herbal products because of how close a lot done. There was also a production does not have permission.

As disclosed Deputy Supervision of Traditional Medicines, Cosmetics and Complementary Product POM, Ruslan Aspan, "persuading someone to buy the supplement products by making the testimony is a violation" (Kompas, 16 / 9).

Herbal supplements vs.

Prapti Utami, doctors who study herbs and actively participate in the Indonesian Doctors Association of Developers Tradition Eastern Health, added, although it does not hurt, consumers should still consult with your doctor before taking herbal products. Because, today many herbal products are claimed as a food supplement.

He explains, is nutrient supplements were added in humans to provide for certain substances that are lacking. Substances contained in supplements is usually a protein, various vitamins, fats, pro-vitamin as well as various minerals (calcium, selenium, zinc, iron).

While the herb is a substance nongizi beneficial for healing or recovery from an illness. Although both of the plants, herbs contain active chemical substances while the supplement did not.

He added, could serve as an herbal supplement if the composition contains nutrients such as carbohydrates, proteins, fats, minerals, and vitamins.

"People often mistakenly regarded as an herbal supplement product or vice versa. As a result, the wrong use of herbs to maintain health and body fitness. Instead, people just taking supplements for healing diseases, "said Prapti.
16.18 | 0 komentar | Read More

Herbal Therapy in Patients with Osteoarthritis

Osteoarthritis (OA) is a chronic disease that most often occurs in older people. Damage occurs in OA cartilage (cartilage) joints characterized by deterioration of cartilage in the joints and nearby bones, which can cause pain and joint stiffness. Pain is usually felt at the time of the move, but in a more severe degree of pain can be felt constantly despite not doing any activity.

Prof. Dr. Dr. Harry Isbagio, SpPD-KR, KGer of the Division of Rheumatology Department of Medicine Faculty of Medicine University of Indonesia, in one occasion stated, osteoarthritis prevention should begin early by recognizing risk factors for the disease, weight control, regular physical exercise, and avoid excessive use of joints. If you have been hit by osteoarthritis, patients should be treated with regular physiotherapy.

Prevention of osteoarthritis can also be done by eating nutritious food. Some dietary supplements can prevent the disease is suspected, including glucosamine and chondroitin although there are many who still doubt the effectiveness of research. In addition, some experts in Europe also began trying to provide supplements in the form of Rosa canina plant extracts that are proven to reduce the complaints of patients with osteoarthritis.

Osteoarthritis therapy
Until now still have not found a drug that can cure OA to its conclusion. Treatment given physicians in the management of OA is generally directed against two things, namely dealing with the symptoms and improve daily activities (symptom-modifying effect) as well as prevention and repair damage to cartilage structure (structure-modifying effect). Finally emerging treatment using stem cell therapy and cell with quite promising results.

The recommendations given by experts in the handling of OA include pharmacological therapy and non-pharmacological therapies (such as: weight loss, exercise, education). Nonsteroidal anti-inflammatory drugs (NSAIDs) is one of the most common pharmacological therapies used to treat pain and inflammation that occurs in patients with osteoarthritis. However, the use of these drugs often provide a fairly serious side effects, such as gastrointestinal bleeding, gastric erosion, damage to liver and kidney. Severity of side effects caused by prolonged use of NSAIDs is to make the experts continue to seek alternative therapies are effective and safe OA.

One alternative therapy and prevention of OA is a good nutritional intake. Today began developing the idea that in addition to fulfilling the basic needs of the body, nutrition also plays an important role in the occurrence of various diseases, especially degenerative diseases. OA is a degenerative disease that is believed to be prevented and overcome by the provision of adequate intake of certain nutrients. One nutrient that started a lot to try to OA therapy are plant extracts.

Extracts of these herbs are widely used by experts in European countries because the content of active substances which are quite complex so it can work on different pathways osteoarthritis mechanisms. This is in contrast with conventional pharmacological medicine where as largely monomodal (only works on one line only mechanism) so that sometimes only limited clinical benefit. Some plants that have been tried as an alternative in the treatment of osteoarthritis (OA), among others: pineapple (contains bromelain, a proteolytic enzyme that is thought to have anti-inflammatory and analgesic effects), ginger, plant Harpagophytum procumbens, Uncaria tomentosa and Rosa canina.

Rosa canina is a medicinal plant that grows in the plains of Europe and has long been believed to be able to help address the complaints experienced by patients with osteoarthritis. Along with the many studies that prove the effectiveness of these herbs, some experts in Japan and many European countries began to try to use Rosa canina plant extracts in the treatment of osteoarthritis.

Galaktolipid contained in extracts of Rosa canina was shown to inhibit migration of white blood cells into the joint so that it can reduce the occurrence of the process of inflammation and joint damage. From various studies that have dilakukukan, long-term use of Rosa canina extract shown to reduce pain and improve quality of life of patients with osteoarthritis.

Indeed, when compared to NSAIDs, anti-pain effects of Rosa canina extract was slower, the effect is only visible after using for 3 weeks. However, unlike NSAIDs, treatment with extracts of Rosa canina are no side effects or damage to gastric bleeding kidney / liver, even after 4 weeks the dose can be reduced the required OA patients.

Indonesia is rich in medicinal plants that may have the same efficacy, even better than Rosa canina, but unfortunately not supported by sufficient scientific evidence that its use is limited and is empirical only.
16.17 | 0 komentar | Read More

Herbal Medicines Must Meet Scientific Standards

PRODUCTS herbal medicines in Indonesia has now reached tens of thousands and is widely known as a herbal medicine by the majority community. The problem, drug use based on evidence-based approach to medical-scientific evidence (evidence based medicine). Therefore, the government demanded more traditional role in drug research and develop cooperation with other stakeholders.

This was stated by retired professor of the Faculty of Medicine University of Indonesia Prof. Dr. Wahyuning Ramelan, Sp.And in the seminar "Herbal Medicine in Health Development" at the Business Center, Mega Glodok Kemayoran, Jakarta, Monday (11 / 8).

"The government should encourage competition special study herbal medicine or herbal medicine, encourage the private sector to fund research contributed to this field," said Ramelan.

Moreover, according to Ramelan, the government also needs to provide equipment for traditional medicine research at higher education institutions or research institutes.

The role of higher education institutions, according to Prof. Dr. Sidik from Padjadjaran University, is also significant to encourage faculty examine pharmacologic effects of traditional medicine.

"This herbal medicine can be a great potential for our nation if known by the scientific academic all-logiknya farmako effects, side effects and various ways of effective entry into the body," said Sidik.

He said that the study of herbal medicine is very important but that research results can also be packaged into a product patent and market oriented.

"It's not easy because it required cooperation across disciplines, between the doctor who will suggest the use of herbal medicines, researchers and the drug industry," said Sidik.

He pointed out the lack of cooperation and integration among researchers (universities), industry and government that is still an obstacle herbal medicine is medically acceptable.
16.16 | 0 komentar | Read More

Herbal Medicines Have Clear Prospects

PROSPECT herbal medicine in Indonesia in the future will be bright. When the herbal ingredients have been qualified evidence based medicine, the herbal medicine will be a type of medicine that the public interest because it affordable and easily obtainable material.

"Because if the standardized ingredients in terms of evidence-based medicine is met, then herbal medicines affordable and easily available materials that can be fulfilled," said Shierly of Indigenous Medicines Directorate Indonesia Food and Drug Supervisory Agency (BPOM) in a workshop for Herbal Medicines Health Development in Mega Glodok Kemayoran, North Jakarta, Monday (11 / 8).

According Shierly, the most fundamental thing that is standard operational Procedure (SOP) in the cultivation of herbal medicinal plants.

"Because the content of heavy metals may be present in medicinal plants because this type of soil is contaminated, it should be noted, how standardization was necessary to maintain the quality of herbal medicines," he explained.

"If it's herbal medicine from the plants that typically have used our society, so the experiment does not need to start from the animal, because it directly to humans so that society has tried to direct hundreds of years ago and there are no side effects," he added Shierly.

Meanwhile pharmacologist Prof. Amir Sharif from the Faculty of Medicine, University of Indonesia (UI) claim that the diversity of terrestrial and marine plants are processed and marketed, but most of the doctors in Indonesia has not recommended the use of traditional medicine because it has not met the academic standards of scientific (evidence-based medicine).

"In our country the number of medicinal plants is a wide range, but most of the doctors we have not recommended it because there must be standardization of materials contained in herbal medicine, it provided evidence based medicine," said Amir.

Standardization is needed, says Amir, there must be a relationship between the dose with the effects of herbal medicines. "If it is not standardized so the dose can not be ascertained, as well as the effect," said Amir.
16.15 | 0 komentar | Read More
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