Toronto mayor allowed to stay in office

Written By Bersemangat on Sabtu, 26 Januari 2013 | 00.25

TORONTO (Reuters) - Toronto's divisive mayor, Rob Ford, won an appeal on Friday against a ruling that was set to remove him from office, ending a showdown that has transfixed Canada's biggest city and allowing him to see out his four-year term.

Ford, a magnet for controversy during the two years he has spent as mayor, was ordered out of office last November after he was found guilty of conflict of interest charges, but he was allowed to stay on the job while he appealed.

The initial court ruling said Ford was in conflict when he voted at city council to scrap a C$3,150 penalty imposed on him for accepting donations from lobbyists of the same amount to his football foundation.

On Friday, a panel of three judges ruled that "council did not have the jurisdiction to impose such a penalty".

Ford also won a libel case recently in which he was sued for C$6 million ($5.98 million) over comments he made about corruption at city hall during his 2010 campaign for mayor.

He still faces an audit of his election campaign. The penalty in the audit case could also include removal from office.

(Additional reporting by Allison Martell and Russ Blinch; Editing by Peter Galloway)

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